Spotify Playlist in a Bottle: What Exactly Is This Thing & Why Is It Limited?

Spotify Playlist in a Bottle article featured image
Learn what a Spotify Playlist in a Bottle is, how to make one, how to claim it next year - and why it may not be working for you!

People still complain about Spotify’s lack of HiFi support in 2025, and while the complaints are valid, we still say that very few Spotify alternatives cater to playlist buffs like us.

Whether it’s the Daylist or the Spotify Blend, these guys are very creative with playlist-related perks – they have Pet Playlists! And yes, there’s also the Spotify Playlist in a Bottle.

Launched in 2023, Playlist in a Bottle is a musical time capsule, a playlist you save at the beginning of the year and only get to open the following January.

It’s not just a random playlist saver, though. It includes questions and curation and buttons and pics – so let’s talk more about how to make Spotify Playlist in a Bottle and how it all works. Before we start, note that this feature is available both to Spotify Free and Premium users.

Share your Spotify Playlist in a Bottle to any other streaming platform in about 5 clicks.

spotify with arrows leading to other streaming services for playlist transfer including apple music and tidal

How to Make a Spotify Playlist in a Bottle: TL; DR

To make a Playlist in a Bottle on Spotify, all you have to do is visit the Spotify Playlist in a Bottle Link, click the start button, choose your playlist avatar, and answer the questions you receive. Wrap it all up by sealing the playlist, and you’re set. Note that this Spotify feature is only available until January 31 each year – you won’t be able to start the playlist creation after that date.

Is Spotify Playlist in a Bottle 2025 Out?

Yes, the 2025 Spotify Playlist in a Bottle was made available on January 1, 2025 and then Spotify made the official announcement on January 7. If you made your Bottle playlist in time (meaning before January 31, 2024), you can open the capsule by visiting the Spotify Playlist in a Bottle link and logging in.

What Is Spotify Playlist in a Bottle?

Playlist in a Bottle is a Spotify feature that allows you to save a playlist at the beginning of the year – meaning before January 31 – and store it as a capsule that you can only open in January the following year.

The feature doesn’t work as simply as picking a bunch of songs, though. The steps for creating a Spotify Playlist in a Bottle involve answering a set of questions and selecting songs throughout the process.

For example, one of the questions for the very first edition, the Spotify Playlist in a Bottle 2023, was to name a song that reminds you of your favorite person. Some questions are evergreen like that, while others ask you to describe specific details regarding the current year.

Either way, you form this playlist by answering the Spotify Playlist in a Bottle questions. Once you go through the questions, you figuratively seal the figurative bottle, and you can only access it the next January.

The point? To look back on your musical taste a year ago and have some fun, of course.

How to Do Spotify Playlist in a Bottle (Mobile + Desktop Advice)

So, again, Spotify Playlist in a Bottle is available both to Premium and Free users. And the steps will likely remain the same but what is different every year is the set of Spotify Playlist in a Bottle questions.

It would become stale if Spotify asked you the same questions to generate your Playlist in a Bottle, so it makes perfect sense that these things change.

Also, know that you can’t make the Bottle Playlist after January 31. That said, here is how the Spotify Playlist in a Bottle 2024 was made.

Playlist in a Bottle is a mobile-only feature. You can still visit the Bottle Playlist page, but it will only tell you to return on your mobile device or scan the QR code using your phone.

  1. 1 Visit the official Spotify Playlist in a Bottle page before the end of January of the current year.
  2. 2. Hit “Let’s Go”.

spotify playlist in a bottle article - screenshot showing the activation step for making the bottle playlist

  1. 3. Choose your playlist avatar, or the object your’re “putting” your Spotify Playlist in. Click “Next”.

spotify playlist in a bottle article - screenshot showing user selecting an avatar for their playlist in a bottle

  1. 4. Answer the Spotify Playlist in a Bottle questions. You can search the song, click “Random”, or select “New Question”. Note that you need to answer at least three questions. For 2024, the questions were:
    • “A song you’d play for aliens if they visited Earth”
    • “A song you need to hear live in 2024”
    • “A song you’d bring to a desert island”
    • “A song that represents your city”
    • “A song you’d play after surviving a horror movie”
    • “A song you’re going to kiss someone to this year”
    • “A song that brings out your alter-ego”
    • “A song you wish was longer”
    • “A song your great-grandkids will be confused by”
    • “A song you put your friends on to”
    • “A song that reminds you of your favorite person”
    • “A song you’d use for the theme song of your own reality show”
    • “A song that describes your relationship status”

spotify playlist in a bottle article - screenshot showing a sample of a spotify playlist in a bottle question for 2024

  1. 5. Scribble a note for your future self (using your fingers if you’re on your phone).

spotify playlist in a bottle article - screenshot showing user scribbling a note for their future self while making the bottle playlist

  1. 6. Have a look at the full list you made and click “Lock In” when ready.

spotify playlist in a bottle article - screenshot showing the lock in button thats displayed after the user finishes making the bottle playlist

  1. 7. Press and hold the designated button to “seal” the list.

spotify playlist in a bottle article - screenshot showing user pressing and holding the button to seal their playlist in a bottle

  1. 8. You’ll receive a confirmation message, and that’s a wrap!

spotify playlist in a bottle article - screenshot showing message that confirms playlist in a bottle was successfuly made

Where Do I Find My Spotify Playlist in a Bottle?

Spotify Playlist in a Bottle is only available by the end of every January – and only if you created your playlist the year before. So, basically, you have until January 31 every year to make your Playlist in a Bottle, and if you made one last year, the same deadline applies to claiming your Bottle Playlist.

After you claim the list, you can save it until the end of January and then access it wherever you want.

How to Share Spotify Playlist in a Bottle?

Now that you know how to make a Spotify playlist in a bottle – or claim it if this is not your first year – you might want to share it.

Anyway, after you claim your Spotify Playlist in a Bottle, you will have two options: to share it and to create a new one. First, click “Share”.

spotify playlist in a bottle article - screenshot showing spotify playlist in a bottle share button

Then, select your sharing method – and that’s a wrap!

spotify playlist in a bottle article - screenshot showing sharing options for spotify playlist in a bottle

You can access your Playlist in a Bottle only until the end of January. But, if you save your playlist and add it to your library, it will be permanently available, and you will be able to share it like any other Spotify playlist.

Can I Share My Spotify Playlist in a Bottle on Other Streaming Services (Apple Music, Tidal, etc)?

OK, but what if you want to share your Spotify Playlist in a Bottle with your friends who use other streaming services like Apple Music or Deezer? Well, that’s where we step in!

The answer is Tune My Music. You can share or transfer your Spotify Playlist in a Bottle with any streaming platform as long as you saved it to your library. You will also need to register a free Tune My Music account. This is how it’s all done.

  1. 1. Open your Spotify Playlist in a Bottle before January 31 and save it to Your Library.
  2. 2. Go to the Tune My Music Share page and click “Share Your Music”.
  3. 3. Select Spotify as your source.

spotify playlist in a bottle article - screenshot showing the first step for sharing spotify playlist in a bottle using tune my music

  1. 4. Select your Spotify Playlist in a Bottle and click “Share”.

spotify playlist in a bottle article - screenshot showing using tune my music to share spotify playlist in the bottle with the user selecting their playlist for sharing

  1. 5. Verify your selection by clicking “Save & Share”.
  2. 6. You will receive a share link that works on any streaming service – including Spotify but also Apple Music and more than a dozen other options.

When Is Spotify Playlist in a Bottle 2025 Coming?

Spotify Playlist in a Bottle 2025 was released on January 1, 2025. This was three days earlier compared to the 2024 Bottle Playlist, which came out on January 4, 2024. It’s interesting that it took Spotify until January 7 to make the official announcement.

Spotify introduced the Playlist in a Bottle in January 2023, so the 2024 Bottle Playlist was actually the inaugural release. It’s safe to assume that Spotify Playlist in a Bottle 2026 will come on in the first week of January 2026.

And again, you will only be able to open your Playlist in a Bottle or create a new one until January 31.

Read more: How to Play the Hidden Eat This Playlist Spotify Snake Game

Spotify Playlist in a Bottle Not Working: Causes & Fixes

We noticed in the Spotify community that users have reported issues with Playlist in a Bottle. However, a lot of confusion comes down to two issues:

  • • Playlist in a Bottle is not available in your region: As per Spotify, Playlist in a Bottle is available in 17 languages and around 40 countries. That sounds like a lot, and in many ways it is, but since Spotify is avialable in over 180 markets, that means the Playlist in a Bottle Spotify feature is not available in well over 100 countries.
  • The full list of included countries is: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, UAE, U.S., and Vietnam
  • • You’re too late for this year: You can make your Spotify Playlist in a Bottle until January 31 of the current year. Also, you can claim the Bottle Playlist you made last year until January 31 of the ongoing year. If you miss this date, you’ll just have to wait. The Spotify Playlist in a Bottle page is active year-round, it’s just that it won’t do anything if you visit it outside January.
  • • You didn’t select your Playlist in a Bottle last year: As verified by Spotify Support, you don’t get your Playlist in a Bottle automatically. You only get it this year if you applied for it last year.

This has covered the most common causes of Spotify Playlist in a Bottle not working. If the issue persists, the first thing to do is relaunch your Spotify app and then do a clean Spotify reinstall if needed. Beyond that, don’t hesitate to contact the support team.

For a more in-depth take, have a look at our full Spotify Not Working article for a rundown of common Spotify error codes – with easy fixes included, of course.

Can I re-do my Spotify Playlist in a Bottle?

Some Spotify users have requested this option, but no, you can’t re-do your Spotify Playlist in a Bottle right now.

While the ability to change what you put in your bottle throughout the year defeats the purpose of this feature, maybe we can expect the ability to edit it by the end of January, for example. On the other hand, that would kind of beat the vibe of “sealing” your playlist.

Can I do Spotify Playlist in a Bottle on desktop?

For now, the Playlist in a Bottle is a mobile-only feature. Sure, you can visit the Spotify Playlist in a Bottle page on your desktop device, but it will only instruct you to visit the same page on your phone or tablet or scan the on-screen QR code with your mobile device.

What happens if I don’t submit Spotify Playlist in a Bottle by the deadline?

If you miss the January 31 deadline for Playlist in a Bottle, that’s it, you have to wait until next year. And the thing is, while the concept will be the same, it won’t be identical. The questions and the design will be different. You can still open the Bottle Playlist page the next year, but you will get a message saying, “Oops, you didn’t submit a capsule last year!”.

Spotify Playlist in a Bottle article - screenshot showing Playlist in a Bottle page for user who did not submit on time

Conclusion: Spotify Bottle Playlist Summed Up

With Playlist in a Bottle, Spotify continues to keep things fresh and exciting for us playlist fans.

In conclusion, we’ll point a few things out: you can only make these by the end of January every year, they are not available in every country, and – all it takes to make a Spotify Playlist in a Bottle is to visit the official link and answer a few questions.

Check out the rest of our blog if you enjoyed this one or want more useful stuff. Enjoy the music, and keep making playlists!