In case you missed it, we’re big on playlists here at Tune My Music. And Spotify is easily the best streaming service when it comes to playlists.
It offers stuff like Spotify Blend where you can combine your taste with other people – then there’s the Playlist in a Bottle. Or the Spotify Daylist, which was rolled out globally. There’s just an exciting playlist feature on every corner here.
Anyway, this article will cover the basics. It will teach you how to make a playlist on Spotify in the fastest possible way. But we’ll also cover a few playlist-related features and settings to smoothen your navigation and introduce you to some of the advanced options. Let’s get going.
- How to Make a Playlist on Spotify: TL; DR
- First Things First
- Creating a Spotify Playlist on Mobile (iOS or Android)
- Creating a Spotify Playlist on Desktop or Laptop
- How to Create a Playlist Directly from a Track or Song
- How to Create a Spotify Playlist Directly from an Album
- How to Remove a Song from Your Spotify Playlist
- How to Delete an Entire Playlist on Spotify
- How to Recover A Previously Deleted Playlist on Spotify
- How to Boost Your Spotify Playlist
- How to Backup Your Spotify Playlist
- How to Transfer a Playlist From Any Platform to Spotify
- Summary
How to Make a Playlist on Spotify: TL; DR
The fastest way to create a playlist on Spotify is to open your Spotify app or Web Player, click the “+” sign next to “Your Library”, and select “Create a new playlist“. Then, you can name your playlist and search for songs to add to it.
Creating a Playlist on Spotify: First Things First
Before you can create a Spotify playlist, you will need two things:

First, you will need to create a Spotify account.
Secondly, it’s not a bad idea to download the Spotify app to your computer and/or get the app on your cell phone.
You also have the option to access Spotify directly from the web player by going to
And yes, the Spotify Web Player also allows you to create new playlists.
We should also point out that Spotify allows you to create playlists both with paid and free accounts.
So, if you’re wondering about how to make a playlist on Spotify without Premium, the answer is that it’s the same process.
Still, the paid Spotify tier offers a few extra features for taking more out of your playlists.
The playlist Enhance feature, for example, automatically adds songs to your playlist based on your history and music preferences once you already have songs in your playlist.
Spotify allows you to create a playlist on either a computer or on your mobile device and then syncs your playlists across both devices. The steps involved in creating a playlist will differ depending on the device you are using and the type of subscription you opt for.
Don’t worry, we will walk you through the steps of each option here!
How to Make a Spotify Playlist on Mobile (iOS or Android, Easiest for Most Users)
For mobile users, you will first have to download your iOS or Android Spotify app. Then, follow these steps to make a Spotify playlist.
- Step 1) Open the Spotify app. Select “Your Library” in the bottom-right corner.

- Step 2) Tap on the plus sign (“+”) in the top-right corner.

- Step 3) Two options will appear: create a normal playlist or a Blend, which you can learn more about here. Tap “Playlist”.

- Step 4) A pop-up window will appear so you can enter the name of your new playlist. After choosing a name, tap “Create”.

- Step 5) You will get an empty playlist with no songs. Now it’s time to add songs to it. Tap on “Add to this playlist” to search and add tracks.
- Step 6) From here, you will have the option to search for songs by artist, song title, or musical genre. Add as many songs as you would like and organize them to your liking (e.g., all songs from one artist, a collection of songs in the same genre, or songs that suit a particular mood).

Spotify will even offer song suggestions based on the songs that you have previously selected. Pretty cool, right?
Spotify makes this quicker if you want to add an entire album to a playlist and don’t have time to add them one at a time. All you have to do is go to the album page, tap on the three dots that appear in the middle of the screen, then select “Add to Playlist” – it’s that easy!
Creating a Spotify Playlist on Desktop or Laptop
To be completely honest, the steps for how to make a playlist on Spotify on desktop or laptop device are pretty much identical to making one on your phone or tablet. But some buttons have slightly different so we’ll take it from the top if that’s OK.
- Step 1) Open the Spotify app on your PC or go to to open the Spotify Web Player.
- Step 2) On the left menu bar, click on the “+” symbol next to “Your Library”.

- Step 3) Click “Create a New Playlist”.

- Step 4) Click the name of the playlist that automatically appeared (e.g., “My Playlist #6”) and enter the name you wish. You can also add a description and a cover for your playlist.

- Step 5) Search for a song you wish to add and click “Add” once you find it. Add as many tracks as you want.

You will now see your new Spotify playlist on the left sidebar at the homepage, under “Playlists”.
How to Create a Playlist Directly from a Track or Song
As we said before, you can also create a Spotify playlist from a single song that you want to include in the playlist. The playlist will be named after the song and also have the album or single cover as the playlist cover – you can change all that, of course. These are the steps.
- Step 1) Open the Spotify app (desktop or mobile) or go to to open the Spotify Web Player.
- Step 2) Search for the song you like and open it (click the song title, not the play button)
- Step 3) Click on the three dots next or under the song title.
- Step 4) Select “Add to Playlist”.
- Step 5) Select “New Playlist”.

- Step 6) The playlist will be saved in the left sidebar, with the title of the song you just selected. You can edit the playlist name by clicking on it.
How to Create a Spotify Playlist Directly from an Album
Similar to creating a Spotify playlist from a single track, you can also create a playlist from an album. This way, the wholee album with all the tracks in the same order will be added to the new playlist and named after the album’s name.
If you don’t add more songs to the playlist, it will be pretty much a copy of the album. To create a playlist from an album on Spotify, do this.
- Step 1) Open the Spotify app or the web player.
- Step 2) Search for an album you like and open it.
- Step 3) Click on the three dots under the album’s name and cover image.
- Step 4) Select “Add to Playlist”.
- Step 5) Select “New playlist” to create a new Spotify playlist from the album.
- Step 6) The playlist will appear in the left sidebar, named after the album and with the same cover image.

Although the playlist was created from that album and has the name and cover from the album, you can edit those details and add any song you want to the playlist. It works as any other playlist you created differently.
From now on, any time you come across a cool song that you want to add to a playlist that you have already created, all you have to do is move your cursor over the song that you want to add.
Then look for the three dots icon and click on that. Then select “Add to Playlist”. This will pull up a list of all playlists that you have created on your Spotify account. Simply select the playlist that you want to add that song to, and voila, you added a song to your previously existing Spotify playlist!
How to Remove a Song from Your Spotify Playlist
So you’ve added a song to your playlist that totally throws off the vibe you are going for. Don’t worry, though, because removing a song from a Spotify playlist is as simple as adding one. Just follow these simple steps below.
- Step 1) Look to the right of the song that you want to remove. You should see three dots next to it. Click on them.
- Step 2) Click “Remove from this playlist”.

Note that the same steps apply on the mobile app.
How to Delete a Playlist on Spotify
Have you listened to a playlist so much that you are burnt out on those songs? Or you created multiple empty playlists by accident? No worries! Spotify allows you to delete an entire playlist in a few clicks. Same steps on mobile and desktop devices.
Delete an entire playlist on a PC:
- Step 1) Right-click the playlist you want to delete in “Your Library” or open it and click the three dots.
- Step 2) Select “Delete”.

When you delete a playlist from Spotify on one device, it automatically syncs and deletes that playlist from all other devices as well. You’ve got to love anything that saves you time, right?
How to Recover A Previously Deleted Playlist on Spotify
Don’t panic! If you accidentally deleted a Spotify playlist and wish to recover it, you can (within 90 days, though)! This is what you need to do to recover it:
- Step 1) Log into your “Account” page on the Spotify website.
- Step 2) Click “Recover Playlists” from the left sidebar.
- Step 3) Click “Restore” next to whatever playlist(s) you wish to recover.

How to Share a Spotify Playlist with Other Users
Now that you have your Spotify playlist ready to rock, you can also share it with other Spotify users using the playlist link. Do it so you need to:
- Step 1) Click on the playlist you want to share
- Step 2) Click on the three dots next to the play button to open a dropdown menu.
- Step 3) Select the “Share” option.
- Step 3) Choose where to share your playlist, such as on social media or by copying the link for the playlist.
On the desktop version you also have the option to copy an embedded version of the playlist so you can share your playlist on a website.

How to Share a Spotify Playlist with Users From Other Music Platforms
It’s also possible to share Spotify playlists with users from other platforms, such as Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube, etc. To do it, you will need a third-party solution, such as Tune My Music.
- Step 1) Access the Tune My Music Share page.
- Step 2) Click on “Share Your Music”.
- Step 3) Select Spotify as your source platform. You will need to grant access to TuneMyMusic to access your playlist list.
- Step 4) You can paste the playlist link or lead your complete list of playlists to select the ones you want to share.
- Step 5) Click “Share” to create your dedicated page for the music you want to share.

Done! You can now share this page URL with your friends or audience so they can add it to their library or follow your playlist on Spotify. You can share one or more playlists at the same time, as well as your entire music library.
How to Boost Your Spotify Playlist
Want to make your Spotify experience more of a, well… experience? Check out these tips on how to boost your Spotify playlist by sharing them with other listeners or enhancing it:
- Spotify Blend – Spotify Blend feature is a shared playlist between you and another Spotify user of your choosing that merges your two musical tastes. With this Spotify playlist maker, you can even add cover art to easily distinguish your blended playlist from others. For added fun, Spotify Blend even gives you taste match scores to see what your music preferences are compared to your friend’s and shareable data stories personalized for each of you. One of the top options if you’re wondering how to make a playlist on Spotify with friends.
- Spotify Collaborative Playlist – This is the feature for anyone wondering how to make a playlist on Spotify with someone. It allows you to create a playlist and invite other users. Each person that is in your group has the option to add songs to the playlist. Basically, you will each have a hand in creating a collaborative playlist (hence its name)! Have fun and enjoy listening to all the random songs that everyone in your group adds. It could end up being a cohesive playlist or be a hodgepodge of music. Either way, you will love trying out this Spotify playlist maker. The possibilities are endless!
- Spotify Wrapped – The annual celebration of how Spotify connects us with others. This Spotify playlist maker is also a great way to reflect on all the music we’ve listened to throughout the year. This feature gives you a review of all the songs, albums, artists, and genres that you have listened to throughout that entire year. It is given to you at the end of each year in a presentation including fun facts about your taste in both music and podcasts.
- Spotify Playlist Enhance – this Spotify playlist maker is a great way to spruce up your existing playlists. By simply pressing the “enhance” button located near your playlist, you can sit back and watch as Spotify uses artificial intelligence (AI) to add songs to your playlist that match the songs you’ve already added! Sounds fun, right?
For further information on these awesome Spotify features, check out our article Tricks on How to Boost Spotify Experience.
How to Backup Your Spotify Playlist
If you have been using computers for longer than a week, you have most likely been taught that backing up your important data is crucial to ensure that nothing you love is ever lost.
This is no different when dealing with Spotify playlists that you put hard work into creating and curating. Here are some easy steps to help you backup your Spotify playlists so you never have to worry about them getting lost in the interwebs forever:
- Step 1) From your browser, go to Tune My Music.
- Step 2) Click “Let’s Start”.
- Step 3) Select “Spotify”.
- Step 4) Choose either “Load from Spotify Account” or copy the playlist URL in the provided space.
- Step 5) Select which playlist(s) you want to back-up. To do this, check the boxes beside which playlist(s) you want to back-up. A blue check mark will appear for the selected playlists.
- Step 6) Click “Choose Destination”.
- Step 7) Select “Export to File”.
- Step 8) Select the desired format (either TXT or CSV).
- Step 9) Click “Export”.
- Step 10) Click “Start Transfer”. When it says “Transfer Complete”, you have successfully backed up your Spotify playlist(s) to a file using TuneMyMusic!
How to Transfer a Playlist From Any Platform to Spotify
If you have ever been frustrated by trying to figure out how to transfer your playlists from one music platform to another, rejoice—those days are over!
With Tune My Music, you can now transfer your music from one music platform to Spotify with ease. Just follow these simple steps:
- Step 1) From your web browser, log in to Tune My Music.
- Step 2) Click on the blue “Let’s Start” button.
- Step 3) Select which music platform you want to transfer music from. E.g., “YouTube”.
- Step 4) Choose either “Load From YouTube Account” or enter the playlist URL in the space provided.
- Step 5) Select the email account that your YouTube account is linked to. (IF you selected “load from YouTube account”).
- Step 6) Click “Allow”.
- Step 7) Select which options you wish to transfer by checking the boxes beside those options.
- Step 8) Select “choose destination”.
- Step 9) Select “Spotify”.
- Step 10) Click “Start Transfer”.

Congratulations! You have now transferred your playlist from one music streaming platform to another!
Regardless of which platform you use to make your playlist, transferring it to another music streaming platform has never been easier, thanks to the convenience offered by Tune My Music.
How to Make a Playlist on Spotify Private
Let’s cover this little thing as well while we’re at it, OK? If you want to make your Spotify playlist private, just follow these two steps.
- Step 1) Open the playlist and hit the three-dot symbol.
- Step 2) Select “Make private”

If you’re wondering how to make a playlist on Spotify private, it’s the same thing. Just tap the three dots, and if the playlist is already private, there will be an option that says “Make public“. Just click it and you’re set.
What Is A Spotify Playlist?
A Spotify playlist is a collection of songs on Spotify that will continually play from one song to another. Spotify allows you to personalize your playlists by giving them a name, an image, and a description. Once you save your playlist, you have the option to share it with others.
You can easily add songs to your playlists, as well as add an entire album all at once, rather than having to add each song one at a time. It is also easy to delete songs from your playlists, as well as delete your entire playlist.
Making a playlist on any music platform is always a helpful way to save time in the future so you do not have to keep searching for songs that you like.
It is also extremely helpful in organizing your favorite songs by genre, by musical artist, or even by mood so you can have the perfect collection of tunes right at your fingertips in a matter of seconds.
Summary: How to Make a Spotify Playlist
And now that you know how to make a Spotify playlist, you can check out some of the best Spotify playlists in the world and see what makes a killer list of tracks.
Making a playlist on Spotify is extremely simple, and the added features that Spotify offers make it even easier to share your favorite music with everyone! So keep making those playlists, and don’t forget to back them up so you can keep enjoying them forever!
If you liked these tips and want to learn more ways to make the most out of your Spotify app, check out our blog’s How-To page with more articles where you can learn a lot about Spotify and other music streaming services. Cheers!